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Griffin-Spalding County Schools Board of Education to Quadruple Property Taxes over 2021 Increase.

Griffin Spalding County Schools Board of Education has decided to raise the millage rate for property taxes by a net increase of 11.70%, or 1.754 mills.

GSCS Board of Education increased the Ad Valorem for school on September 21,2021 by 3.92% . The proposed increase in August 2022 is 11.70%, four times more than last year's increase in property taxes for school millage rates.

GSCS will be holding a meeting for public comment on:

August 16 at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.


August 24 at 5:00 p.m.

Location: 216 South 6th Street

If you would like to contact the board members directly their emails are listed below:

Syntel Brown District 1: Will Doss District 2: Zachary Holmes District 3: Barbaro Jo Cook District 4: Sue McDonald District 5: Keith Simmons Superintendent:

FY 2023 Budget for GSCS grew by over $8,000,000.00 Million dollars over FY 22.

Total budget in FY 2022 was $94,000,000.00 and in FY 2023 it is $98,888,717.00 with expenditures (overages) already over $3,500,000.00.

Totaling expenditures anticipated by GSCS for FY 23 is $102,388,171.00

Total Revenue Anticipated for GSCS in FY 23 is $152,462,873.00

NOTE: All Principals and Asst Principals Salaries are on the America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Monies (COVID) for FY 22 and FY 23. Where will the money come from after the $50 Million in COVID Funds runs out?

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