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2022 Board of Education Public Hearing to Increase Millage Rate Percentage by 11.70% over 2021

Below is the presentation from the Griffin Spalding County Board of Education Public Hearing for the August 2022 Millage Rate.

A net increase is a net increase. The tax digest increase for the new assessments for FY 22 over FY 21 for Spalding County is over 3 hundred million dollars. Currently at $2,388,274,091.000 BILLIONS. see slide 9

The average home purchased in Spalding is around$249K in June 2022.

The Average property taxes paid on a $249K house (if assessed at 249K), just under $4k which equates to around $333. That is 333 additional dollars a month over mortgage payments. The rates including County, Fire, City, School, other such as Unincorporated etc... see attachment of all possible ad valorem taxes in spalding county.

This increase of property assessment for the SCHOOL AD VALOREM TAX is only a portion of what the property owners pays, to discount the whole sum of ALL Ad Valorem taxes the citizen pays county wide, is dishonest.

The Average property taxes paid on a $269K house just under $4k which equates to around $333. That is 333 additional dollars a month over mortgage payments.

The average monthly payment for a $249K mortgage for 30 years at the current 5.462% rate would be around $1,419 a month. With the additional 333 in millage rate taxes, the homeowner would pay $1,752 per month, and that does not include insurance and other.

And if a citizen has paid off their mortgage, they have a monthly millage tax of $333 just to be able to live in their owned house. Does not include utilities and insurance.

It is as if the citizen is paying rent on a house they already paid off.

This is why people are upset, and those living on fixed incomes may be taxed out of their home for failure to pay their taxes.

If you would like to contact the board members directly their emails are listed below:

Syntel Brown District 1: Will Doss District 2: Zachary Holmes District 3: Barbaro Jo Cook District 4: Sue McDonald District 5: Keith Simmons Superintendent: keith.simmons@gscs.or

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