How much did Spalding County and City of Griffin receive from the 2016 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) from 2016 to March/April 2022 = 73 months of collections.
SPLOST is a one penny tax increase on sales by a referendum passed by the voters or citizens of the county and city in Nov 2015. OR as we call it a "VOLUNTEER TAX" because the citizens decided to give the government more of their money and voted yes to give the extra cent when buying products and other services in the county and city.
How much was the county's portion? $33,828,364.00 but 54.9% of $61,606,928.00 equals $33,822,203.47
How much did the City of Griffin Receive? $22,590,695.00 (Per legal minutes) but the contract was for 45% and 45% of $61,606,928.00=$27,723,117.60
$33,828,364.00 PLUS $22,590,695.00 EQUALS $56,419,059.00
$61,606,928.00 MINUS $56,419,059.00 EQUALS $5,187,869.00
Where did the other $5,187,869 go???
Orchard Hill at 0.1% would be $61,606.928
The 2015/16 referendum voted on by the people was for $50,400,000.00 The county received in excess of $11,206,928.00 in 2016 SPLOST revenue.
SPLOSTs are used to offset property tax increases, yet the county, city, and school board have failed to rollback the millage rate in the last few years.
And the county/city had to use $5,874,048.50 of the American Rescue Plan Money for the Aquatic Center and the splash pad was not included. (Stating the reason for the lack of millage rollback was because they took these ARPA or Covid funds)
The total costs for the scaled down Aquatic Center is just over 10 million dollars. The county says they did not have the money to add the splash pad, our questions are:
Where is the remaining $5,187,869.00 of the 2016 SPLOST ?
Why did the county/city use ARPA money for the Aquatic Center when they received an excess of $11,206,928.00 in 2016 SPLOST funds?
Reference FB post her for Aquatic Center full money breakdown:
Minutes for county meeting stating 2016 SPLOST fund total: