We put in an Open Records Request for the information below and the County Clerk came back with these answers to these questions:
OUR QUESTION: Why was the Splash Area/Pad and water playground and waterslides deleted from the Aquatic Center when the initial cost projection included 800K for it?
COUNTY CLERK: Although the Splash Area/Pad and water playground equipment were discussed and included as part of the plan for the initial project. The project as listed on the ballot was for an Aquatic Center construction and equipping. The projected cost for the entire project was $4,690,000. This project was designated as a pay-as-you go project, so we had to wait until the money was available to start on the project.
ALSO, PER COUNTY CLERK: Due to changes in the economy over the last 6 years, the costs have skyrocketed, on both raw materials and labor so a determination had to be made as to whether we do an Aquatic Center or Splash Pads with the funding now available. The Aquatic Center was driving force behind this initiative so the decision was made to go forward with an Aquatic Center that our community could be proud of, and the Board would try to work on Splash Pads with other funding should it become available.
This is very interesting. Her response about the fact that the initial concept included the Splash Pad, Water Playground, and Water Slides, BUT on the 2015 SPLOST ballot it just stated the Aquatic Center.
Yet, the county manager specifically sold this as an AQUATIC CENTER, with splash pad included, and the initial concept for the whole of the AQUATIC CENTER included the Splash Pad/Water Slides at the cost of $4,690,000.00. See Picture from the SPLOST presentations from the county. (attach 1)
Now the county is saying that SPLASH PAD/AREA was not on the SPLOST Ballot only the AQUATIC CENTER, (See attachment 2).
The county manager and county went out of their way to "SELL" the splash pad to the voters, which was part of the initial Aquatic Center Push, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HSuVolP240_) and now when the citizens are questioning why the splash area was not added, the county seems to be changing the definition of AQUATIC CENTER.
When clearly on the Spalding County website https://www.spaldingcounty.com/understanding-splost/ under understanding SPLOST, under Projects on Your 2015 SPLOST , it states: Spotlight on “Swim, Splash, Slide Aquatic Facility” https://www.spaldingcounty.com/.../spotlight_on_splost... and when you click that blue link it takes you to this one page letter to the voters: see Attach 3
The initial design presented at Lakes at Green Valley Industrial Park by AKA Engineering on September 13, 2018 https://spaldingcounty.novusagenda.com/.../Coversheet... shows the splash pad attached to the pool and together with the AQUATIC CENTER. See attach 4
And another drawing presented at another location at Dundee Mills on November 5, 2018 ,https://spaldingcounty.novusagenda.com/.../Coversheet... shows the water park, splash pad, including a water slide adjacent to the pool. Which entails AQUATIC CENTER. See attach 5
On November 5, 2018 the County Board of Commissioners decided to change the AQUATIC CENTER from a 6-lane pool with splash pad, water playground and slides, to an 8-lane competition pool with 4 lanes for therapy. Here is the new concept after this meeting. See attach 6a and the minutes for the county commissioners meeting 6b.
The county is stating the 2015 SPLOST vote only stated Aquatic Center, but the presentations and other media used to sell the Center shows the Aquatic Center and Splash Area to be all inclusive not separate. Also, the provided sampling of drawings, after the vote in 2015, at Dundee Mills and Lakes at Green Valley prove this is not the case.
Fast Foward to June 2022, and the contract signed with Meja Construction for the new price tag for the Pool Only Aquatic Center is $10,071,250.00. No amount of inflation or increase in raw materials would more than double the cost. And the county is using Covid money (American Rescue Plan Money) for the additional $5,381,250.00. See attach 8
The city/county broke ground on July 19, 2022 at the Lakes at Green Valley Industrial site.
And, the county made sure it is known that this is a PAY AS YOU GO, which means, if the county does not receive the money, this project will not be added and would have to be deemed infeasible by the county commissioners if need be.
The PAY AS YOU GO is basically saying to the voters, this project will only happen if the money is there, and the money may not be there, even though you voted for this in 2015 SPLOST. Attach 7 email from county clerk.